Wednesday 21 November 2012

Psychology Conference 12/11/12

I had no lessons last Monday because I attended a conference at the Colston Hall, titled : "Science and Pseudoscience". Throughout the day we had talks, ranging in length from 30 minutes to about an hour. First of all we were told to be sceptical, then the psychologist who organised the event defended the integrity and importance of lab experiments (probably the most relevant part to my studies, but not the most interesting). "Dr Dance" Peter Lovatt told us some surprising things about the psychology of dance and attraction, then after a lunch break, we were treated to some magic tricks and learned that psychology could help change the world. Finally, it was time for the most humorous part of the day, hypnosis, in which a boy was stuck with his finger up his nose and other participants cuddled up to each other - it was hilarious!

Friday 9 November 2012

German lesson 09/11/12

After relative pronouns last lesson, today we studied separable verbs, for example, "aufstehen". In this case, the separable part is "auf"; in a present tense sentence, it moves to the end:

Ich stehe um 7 Uhr auf.

In the future tense, the separable verb sticks together and goes to the end of the sentence:

Am Montag sollte ich um 7 Uhr aufstehen.

In the past tense, the verb parts are joined but with -ge- in the centre, and it goes to the end:

Gestern bin ich um 7 Uhr aufgestehen.

EDIT: After lesson on future tense, 14/11/12

In future tense sentences in which "zu" is required, the -zu- is placed in between the verb parts:

Am Montag hoffe ich, um 7 Uhr aufzustehen.

EDIT: After starting year 13, 15/11/13

If the verb is sent to the end in a present tense sentence, the verb parts are joined, but the present tense verb ending is retained.

Wenn ich um 7 Uhr aufstehe, fühle ich mich müde.

Introduction to my study blog

This is my new blog, specifically to do with my Advanced Level studies. I created it to help with my self-motivation; at the moment, it seems like as soon as I switch the laptop on, I am consumed by the wonders of irrelevant internetting, so much so that I have been failing to complete the recommended volume of additional work outside school. I hope that the things I post here will be useful and potentially become revision materials.