Sunday 30 August 2020

Week in review: 24th to 30th Aug

This turned into a 7-day week because I didn't get samples for IHC till Friday and they took three days to run, but I'm hoping to take a couple of shorter days during the coming week to make up for it! 

I achieved two of my aims from last week (the late start on Friday was justified by coming in both days this weekend!) I presented my IHC images and had a useful discussion about my experiments in the lab meeting on Thursday, which gave me more to concentrate on the past few days, but I managed it!

Organising my notes hasn't gone so smoothly, but I'm hoping to take a new approach inspired by a highly-relevant review article, which listed key findings in a table alongside specific references. This should help to build my awareness of which findings are consistently repeated, but I also need to be clearer about what my focus is: for example, I reviewed key findings in prion disease models last year, but do I want to keep that as a standalone or integrate it with findings from other models of neurodegenerative disease, and even the human condition? Also, the main technique in my PhD is electrophysiology, but I need to keep some focus on complementary techniques such as MRI, PET and calcium imaging.

As the new academic year is rapidly approaching, I'll also spend time this coming week working on my poster and turbo talk for the 2nd year poster event at the end of September, as well as dedicating a couple of hours to finally finish part 6 of the SysMIC course, which I've been struggling with for most of this month! Till next time!

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