Saturday 6 March 2021

2021 Weeks 8 and 9

I regretted not making last week's post cover two weeks, so now that week 9 is over, I'll make my past -and hopefully future- self happy by combining the past two weeks! 

All the way back on Monday 22nd February, I collected slices for an immunohistochemistry experiment to work out the best dilution for staining the star-shaped support cells, and to test whether the stain worked alongside rabbit antibodies. I also repeated my stains for neurons, the cells of the brain which fire electrical signals, and disease-causing proteins, which confused me the previous week. I took images on Thursday and Saturday; this confirmed that the former antibodies were compatible, and I saw much more of the structure of the brain's immune cells than I'd seen previously! The confusing staining pattern for the disease-causing protein was still present, which at least meant I could rule out interference of other stains as the source of the werdness.

This week, I used my fancy non-cross-reactive mouse antibody alongside the rat antibody to see whether disease-causing protein is located near to the star-shaped cells. My first images suggested that's not really the case, although the confusing staining seemed to be a bit brighter in the star-shaped cells than it was in the neurons. For once I took the whole of Saturday off, but it was still very busy, with an online bellringing course sandwiched by nail painting, and the selection of 13 Eurovision songs depending on how much later I stay up!

Nail art to support Jüri Pootsmann, whose song Magus Melanhoolia came third in Estonia's national final for Eurovision 2021.

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