Monday 6 January 2014

Wider Reading: Bangen um Michael Schumacher

der Zustand - state/condition
die Verletzung - injury
voraussagen - to predict/prognosticate
sich ereignen - to take place/occur
der Felsen - rock
das Hirn/ Gehirn - brain
geschehen - to happen
der Hubschrauber - helicopter
künstlich - artificial
sicherstellen - to assure
der Sauerstoff - oxygen
erfolgreich - successful
sich verbreiten - to spread (things)

This article is about the skiing accident suffered by Michael Schumacher in France. No other skiers were involved and Schumacher fell and hit his head on a rock. Despite wearing a helmet, he sustained a serious brain injury and was taken to hospital by helicopter. After an emergency operation, he was put into an induced coma, and doctors can only say for certain that his brain is receiving enough oxygen. The final paragraph summarises Schumacher's achievements: he is the most successful F1 driver, having been the world champion seven times, and has millions of fans who have been posting "get well soon" wishes on his website.

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