Sunday 24 January 2021

2021 Week 3

Monday: Today was successful; I started the penultimate assessment of the maths course, imaged another region of the hippocampus in my slices from last week, and rearranged this week's surgery slots to better fit my schedule. In case my next antibody arrives during the first half of this week, I'll write my email request for slices so that I can hit send as soon as I know it's arrived. In general, I was pleased to have put a wash on before 9am, and making my bed and washing my hair this evening between episodes of The West Wing wasn't too taxing. 

On Tuesday morning I had another successful surgery practice, but couldn't help feeling disappointed that I wasn't trying it for real. I made a little more maths progress and started working through the figures from the journal club article, which I finished reading today (Wednesday). I also finalised the plans for next week's surgery attempts and found the second week of the Programming for Biologists course very straightforward. This broccoli pasta dish I made for dinner will definitely be added to my rotations, it was the perfect way to use up the broccoli I had leftover from Sunday lunch!

The rest of the week was pleasantly productive, and over the weekend I made good progress on the final element of the maths course, as well as attending some fun online events.

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